How do audits fit in?

by Admin

Posted on 28-09-2022 09:42 AM

One thing to always consider when undertaking a content audit is seasonality. Google’s algorithms constantly shift based on users’ search habits, and the time of year will dictate user behaviour. A seasonal policy starts with the very basic, such as building content audits around the seasons and public holidays. In december, festive search terms will go through the roof, while the summer will bring a renewed interest in outdoor activities. Dig a little deeper, though, and you’ll find a range of events and ways that you can repurpose your content to appeal to all users. pay To keep on top of these opportunities, schedule a content audit every three months.

What’s included in an audit?

Total traffic and organic traffic values received from google analytics reporting api or google analytics data api, backlinks number received from ahrefs api. facebook Position of the article's target keyword, received from google console search api. Traffic median of all active articles included in the content audit. This value is based on a monthly total traffic of all included articles. It is calculated using finite data set of numbers; learn more about median calculation here. You can see a detailed description of the issue and how to solve it for each article by clicking on the suggestion button:.

Sometimes a written report just isn’t enough. That’s why your ux audit also includes a 2-hour video conference. The conference includes discussions about the audit results included in your detailed report. We’ll also go over our suggestions for improvements with you. And of course, you’ll get answers to any questions you may have in real-time.

Included in every cinch wordpress support plan. Wordpress plugins are awesome. For little to no cost and with the simple click of a button, these quick and easy downloads can add new features to your website and help increase its overall functionality. As wordpress experts, we’re not ashamed to say that we love ourselves a good plugin. Not all plugins are created equal, however. And some are just downright bad. After years of fixing broken wordpress websites because of outdated, poorly coded or unnecessary plugins, we’ve learned it’s best to head things off at the pass. That is why cinch includes a free plugin audit with all of our wordpress support plans.

Book an audit now

Are you a woocommerce store who wants their store to convert better? we’ll audit your store and give you an extensive report + video detailing how you can achieve that goal. What you’ll get? traffic source analysis- no generic advice such as ‘run facebook ads’ or ‘do seo’ but really specific traffic acquisition guidance based on the industry you’re serving. Home page optimization- get a perspective on how visitors see your store. Our report will highlight how you can optimize your homepage to decrease bounce rates. Product page optimization – you’ll get a complete lowdown on how you can address your visitors’ objections to buying from you and close the sale.

If you have an existing online store that needs refreshing, we provide a full review and recommendations for improvement. Register here to book an audit (link).

Time to take the next step towards a more effective website?

The first step to running a successful audit starts with crawling every page of your website. Sometimes people will analyze a single page, but this can miss issues hidden away in their site. All you need to do is enter your website url into your tool of choice and hit ‘enter. ’ grab a coffee or, better yet, start working on something else, because this can take a while. While smaller sites can be crawled in 10 minutes or less, larger sites can take hours or even days.